* Steamed Savoury Glutinous Rice *
* 200g chicken - deboned and cut into strips
* 100g lean port - cut into strips
Marinade (A)
* 1 tbsp oyster sauce 蠔油
* 1 tsp light Soya sauce 醬油
* 1 tsp ginger juice 薑汁
* 1/2 tsp sugar 糖
* 1/4 tsp pepper 胡椒
* 1/4 tsp dark Soya sauce 黑醬油
* 1 tsp sesame oil 麻油
* 1 tsp Shao Hsing Hua Tiew wine 紹興酒
* 1/2 tsp corn flour 粟米粉
* 3 black mushrooms - soaked and halved 冬菇-切片
* 1 Chinese sausage (optional) – Sliced
* 4 shallots – sliced
* 3 tbsp oil 油
* 300g glutinous rice - soak overnight and drain well 糯米
Seasoning (B)
* 1/2 tsp salt 鹽
* 1 tsp sugar 糖
* 1 tsp oyster sauce 蠔油
* 1 tsp light Soya sauce 醬油
* 1 tsp Chinese wine 紹興酒
MARINATE chicken and meat with (A) for at least an hour. Steam glutinous rice for 45 minutes. Remove from the steamer and add in seasoning (B), then mix well.
Heat oil in a wok, lightly brown the shallots; add the mushrooms and stir fry well for 1 minute.
Lightly grease 5 to 6 small rice bowls. Arrange chicken meat, lean meat, mushroom and sausage at the bottom of the bowl. Top with steamed glutinous rice -- press down firmly to about three-quarters full and
sprinkle some water over the rice. Steam over boiling
water for 30 to 40 minutes.
Turn out steamed rice onto a small plate and serve
with chili sauce.
蔥爆牛肉 阿基師
蔥爆牛肉 (阿基師)阿基師教你做食材:嫩牛肉250g、青蔥5支、紅辣椒2支、蒜頭2顆、太白粉1小碟、蛋1顆、薑1塊調味料:米酒、醬油、糖、麻油、蠔油、香油、黑醋做法1.備料:牛肉切大塊、蔥切段(蔥綠與蔥白分開)、辣椒切段(去籽)、蒜頭切末、薑切 絲備用。2.醃肉:取水晶碗放入牛肉、米酒1匙、少許全蛋液、少許太白粉拌勻備用。3.調醬汁:取一小水晶碗,調入1匙醬油、1匙蠔油、少許米酒、蒜末拌勻備用。4.起鍋熱適量油,下薑絲、蔥白、蔥綠、辣椒爆香,盛起後,將爆香油倒入醃肉中。5.同上鍋,放入牛肉拌炒,再下步驟4及醬汁翻炒均勻,起鍋前下少許鍋邊米酒、烏醋即 可盛盤。小叮嚀:1. 牛肉要逆紋切,切大塊些口感會較好。2. 青蔥切之前先拍鬆,炒的時候易入味。Clip from 型男大主廚 - 2009.06.17
Category: Howto & Style
葱爆牛肉 美食料理 曾國城 夏雨喬 天天美食 型男大主厨 型男大主廚 料理 5分钟出好菜 蔥爆牛肉
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